Goodman Dermatology and Mohs Surgery


Moles in Peoria, AZ

Moles are usually harmless, but you need to pay attention to your moles. Changes in the size, shape, or color of a mole could be an early sign of skin cancer, and adults and seniors are at higher risk of skin cancer. Your dermatologist can help by checking your moles and removing them if necessary.

What Causes a Mole?

Moles develop when melanocytes, a type of skin cell, clump together. Melanocytes are responsible for skin color.

What a Normal Mole Looks Like

A normal mole will be small, with even, well-defined borders. Normal moles are usually light to medium brown, pink, or tan.

What an Abnormal Mole Looks Like

An abnormal mole will be larger, usually over 6 millimeters in diameter. Abnormal moles may irregular coloration, and also have uneven, ragged, and poorly defined borders. They may also itch, bleed, or ooze fluid.

Different Types of Moles

There are several different types of moles:

  • Common nevi, which are normal moles
  • Congenital nevi, which are present at birth
  • Dysplastic nevi, which are irregularly shaped, larger moles that can develop into melanoma

What is Melanoma?

Melanoma is the most serious and aggressive form of skin cancer. It develops in the melanocytes.

Warning Signs of Melanoma

Melanoma has several warning signs. Melanoma usually is:

  • Larger, with a diameter of 6 millimeters or greater
  • Irregular, with a poorly defined, ragged border
  • Changing in color, size, or shape

Prevention of Melanoma

Melanoma is caused by excessive, unprotected exposure to ultraviolet light, usually from the sun. It's important to always wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 if you are at average risk of skin cancer, or SPF 50 if you are at higher risk of skin cancer.

When to Visit Your Dermatologist

You should visit your dermatologist every 6 to 12 months for a skin check, especially if you are an adult or senior because sun exposure accumulates over time. You should visit your dermatologist monthly if you have a history of skin cancer.

Treatment of Moles

Most moles are normal and don’t require treatment; however, if your dermatologist finds an abnormal mole, part or all of the mole may be removed for a biopsy to check for skin cancer.

Mole Removal Options

Your dermatologist can remove part or all of the mole by shaving, or excising the mole.

Want To Know More?

Talk with an expert to learn more about the causes of moles and mole removal. Call Dr. Matthew Goodman at Goodman Dermatology and Mohs Surgery in Peoria, AZ, today at (623) 254-7375.

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